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    • john
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Your search found 24 results in 1 resource


  • Literary Manuscripts (24)
  • Non-literary Manuscripts (0)
  • Official Documents (government, civic, legal, religious) (0)
  • Literary Printed Books (0)
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    British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts icon

    British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

    24 results from this resource . Displaying 21 to 24

    Quoniam'. If so, the compiler of the inventory mistook the sequence of St. John's Gospel for a prayer to St. John Baptist and the word 'quoniam' has to be taken as the opening word of the second leaf of the

    Quoniam'. If so, the compiler of the inventory mistook the sequence of St. John's Gospel for a prayer to St. John Baptist and the word 'quoniam' has to be taken as the opening word of the second leaf of the

    Quoniam'. If so, the compiler of the inventory mistook the sequence of St. John's Gospel for a prayer to St. John Baptist and the word 'quoniam' has to be taken as the opening word of the second leaf of the

    Quoniam'. If so, the compiler of the inventory mistook the sequence of St. John's Gospel for a prayer to St. John Baptist and the word 'quoniam' has to be taken as the opening word of the second leaf of the

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    "Results" Manuscripts Online (, version 1.0, 8 July 2024),