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Europa Inventa: Early European Objects in Australasian Collections icon

Europa Inventa: Early European Objects in Australasian Collections

199 results from this resource . Displaying 61 to 80

desc: red rubrics; paragraph marks alternately red and blue; large capitals red or mauve with blue or brown penwork and blue with red or brown penwork; four illuminated initials in gold, blue, red, green, and mauve on 1r.a (30 x

Binding: Catchwords: Collation: Composite: Condition: Deco desc: Decoration of 70 ornamented capitals in red, black, or red and blue. Dimensions: 41 x 30 cm. Extent: 48 folios Foliation: Hand desc: Keywords: Layout: Library ref alt: List bibl: Music notation: Note:

a few rubrics; running titles with letters alternately red, and blue; capitals are alternately red, with blue penwork and blue, with red pen work; large initials (15 x 14mm.) in blue, red, white and generally figuring a bird of grotesque

Locus: fol 1 r Colophon: Explicit: Note: 1r. Letter A (105 x 105mm.) depicting the Ascension in gold, red, green, blue, pink, with white tracery, from a 14c. codex. On the verso are the words: cythara in [cythara et uoce

Resp stmt: Rubric: Summary: Letter S (70 x 70mm.), with a bearded saint looking skyward, in gold, vermilion, green, pink, blue from a 14c. codex. The verso carries a vermilion four-line stave with the letters -bus gra-. There are two

Condition: Edges trimmed. Water and rust stains throughout. Deco desc: caps alternately red and blue; one border, Italian style, of inter twined vine stocks in blue, red, and green with a green parrot, on 1r. Dimensions: 228 x 165 mm

red Deco desc: red rubrics; red or blue caps; twenty-four Italian illuminated initials (10 x 10mm.) in gold, blue, and red, or green. A full border of floral and leaf sprays in gold, blue, green, red, and mauve on lr.,

208v., 209r., Dr.ÑEv. are blank. Composite: Condition: Edges trimmed Deco desc: red rubrics; caps alternately blue, and red; initials alternately red, with blue penwork, and blue, with red penwork. Dimensions: 136 x 90 mm Extent: v + 209 Foliation: Hand

Condition: Edges mainly untrimmed Deco desc: caps alternately blue and red; each letter of ÔgregoriusÕ on 1r.a and of ÔfirmiterÕ on 1r.b)Õ is alternately blue with red penwork, then red with blue penwork. Dimensions: 178/176 x 118/114 mm Extent: vii

red rubrics: caps alternately red and blue; small initials in gold, blue, red, with white tracery; one large illuminated initial (50 x 45mm.) and full border of floral and leaf sprays in gold, green, blue, red, on 1r. Dimensions: 155

rubrics; caps blue, with red penwork or red, with blue penwork. Five historiated initials (from 40 x 35 to 30 x 30mm.) with full borders of floral sprays, spangles and intertwined branches, Florentine work Ð all in green, blue, red,

desc: black and red entries in the Calendar; red rubrics; small initials in blue and gold, black and gold, blue and red; large initials in gold, blue and red, with white tracery. No miniatures remain. Dimensions: 100 x 70 mm

1 has been cut away Deco desc: red rubrics; initials are plain red or blue or they are red with blue or green penwork or blue with red penwork Dimensions: 218 x 145 mm Extent: ii + 284 Foliation: foliation

numbers alternately red, and blue; initials alternately red and blue with blue penwork or blue and red with red penwork, 1r. carries a coloured I with a full-length marginal panel of intertwined tendrils in brown, blue and green, with two

English: red rubrics; caps gold with black penwork, or blue, with red penwork or red, with blue penwork; line fill-ins are red and gold or blue and gold; initials in gold, blue, red, and white; sheets with miniatures carry threeÑsided

desc: style of Liege: black and red entries in Calendar; rubrics red, and occasionally blue; caps alternately red and blue; illuminated initials throughout in gold, red, blue with marginal extensions. Twenty-three historiated initials depict David playing harp (20r.), David before

of folio B has been excised. Deco desc: red rubrics; paragraph marks alternately red and blue; initials alternately red with blue or purple penwork and blue with red penwork Dimensions: 235 x 160 mm Extent: iv + 200 Foliation: Hand

C. Deco desc: red rubrics and paragraph marks; initials alternately blue, with red penwork and red, with blue penwork; one historiated initial (100 x 90mm.) on 9r. in gold, blue, pink, green, orange, and white depicting Virgin and Child before

Deco desc: red rubrics; letters of running Book titles and small caps alternately red and blue; initials blue, with red penwork or red, with blue penwork Dimensions: 222 x 150 mm Extent: iv + 248 Foliation: contemporary foliation in arabic

with mauve penwork and blue, with mauve penwork; initials (35 x 35, 32 x 30mm.) in gold, blue, red or green with white tracery, some with a central red quatrefoil flower and gold centre, or a blue cornflower, on 1r.,

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