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British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts icon

British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

1133 results from this resource . Displaying 81 to 100

illuminated initial. 1 large foliate and interlace initial, in colours and gold (f. 3). Large initials alternating red, blue, or pale brown, usually with simple decoration in one of the other colours. Small initials alternating red, blue, or pale brown.

decorated initial. 1 large foliate and interlace initial, in colours and gold (f. 3). Large initials alternating red, blue, or pale brown, usually with simple decoration in one of the other colours. Small initials alternating red, blue, or pale brown.

the Virgin with the Child. 1 miniature and a titlepiece with heraldic decoration, in colours and gold (ff.1v- 2). Display script. Commission from Aloysio Mocenico, Doge of Venice, to Ursato Manulesso, delegating the Government of Padua to him Ursato Manulesso:

One of six known manuscript copies. Full border in colours and gold with foliate forms, with the initial of Psalm 1 excised (f. 2). 7 large puzzle initials in red and blue with red and blue pen-flourishing forming a partial

Decorated initial at the beginning of 'Grammatica'. In part 1, the script and the hand change between ff. 20r-v. 1 large red ink initial with green decoration (f. 33). Grammatica Val-St-Lambert, the Cistercian abbey of St Mary near Liège, Belgium:

of the chapter on the pronoun. 1 large miniature (f. 80v), in brown ink and red, green and yellow. Large initials in red with blue decoration or green with red decoration. Some large initials in red or green without decoration.

of chapter 6 of book 1 of Cicero's De inventione. 6 large decorated initials in brown ink with yellow and red washes, 2 with zoomorphic features of a animal head, or a bird (ff. 1, 3, 4, 24, 51v, 70).

with pen-flourishing, at the beginning of Jerome's Adversus Iovinianum. 1 large decorated initial in gold on a ground in blue and red, with pen-flourishing in red with green infill (f. 1). Large and small initials mostly in red with blue

Ambrose). Contemporary title, f. 1. Large initials in red, blue, green or yellow, many with foliate or geometric decoration, and 7 with penwork decoration in another colour (ff. 50v, 60, 69, 112v, 119, 146v, 157); 1 with a cross (f.

forms. Contemporary title, f. 1. Large initials in red, blue, green or yellow, many with foliate or geometric decoration, and 7 with penwork decoration in another colour (ff. 50v, 60, 69, 112v, 119, 146v, 157); 1 with a cross (f.

Great's Liber pastoralis. Added paper flyleaf with 18th century text in English after f. 62. 1 large initial in yellow with green penwork decoration (f. 1). Large initials in red, yellow, or green, some with penwork decoration. Regula pastorali A

Note that there are 51 texts listed in the 1819 catalogue.From f. 26 there is medieval foliation starting from '1'.1 large initial in blue with red pen-flourishing and foliated decoration in red and blue (f. 114v). Large and small

initial 'P'(ater). 1 large initial in red and green (f. 18v). Small initials in red or black. Marginal notations in red. De septem sacramentis; Expositio in orationem Dominicam; Synonyma, ends imperfect The Carthusians of Mainz 14th century (inscription: ' liber

of chapter 6 of book 1 of Cicero's De inventione. 6 large decorated initials in brown ink with yellow and red washes, 2 with zoomorphic features of a animal head, or a bird (ff. 1, 3, 4, 24, 51v, 70).

with pen-flourishing, at the beginning of Jerome's Adversus Iovinianum. 1 large decorated initial in gold on a ground in blue and red, with pen-flourishing in red with green infill (f. 1). Large and small initials mostly in red with blue

at the end of Sedulius Scotus's Expositio super primam edicionem Donati grammatici. 1 large miniature (f. 80v), in brown ink and red, green and yellow. Large initials in red with blue decoration or green with red decoration. Some large initials

of the chapter on the pronoun. 1 large miniature (f. 80v), in brown ink and red, green and yellow. Large initials in red with blue decoration or green with red decoration. Some large initials in red or green without decoration.

forms. Contemporary title, f. 1. Large initials in red, blue, green or yellow, many with foliate or geometric decoration, and 7 with penwork decoration in another colour (ff. 50v, 60, 69, 112v, 119, 146v, 157); 1 with a cross (f.

Ambrose). Contemporary title, f. 1. Large initials in red, blue, green or yellow, many with foliate or geometric decoration, and 7 with penwork decoration in another colour (ff. 50v, 60, 69, 112v, 119, 146v, 157); 1 with a cross (f.

'Champ' initial with foliate feathering at the beginning of the text. 1 large initial in gold on a red and blue ground with foliate extensions into the margin (f. 1). Large initial in gold with blue penwork decoration (f. 122).

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