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The Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse icon

The Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse

509 results from this resource . Displaying 361 to 380

tiþis þe whiche I haue departid in-to her vsis and nedis. " Also in þe booke of Deutronomy Deut. xviii. [1. ] god saide thus: " Non habebunt sacerdotes, et omnes qui de eadem tribu sunt, partem et hereditatem cum

[SERMON XXVI . ] Cum appropinquasset Jesus Jerosolumis. — MATT . xxi. [1. ] ÞIS Gospel telliþ of the secounde advent of Crist and it is noo drede it techiþ us vertues, siþ alle þe dedes of Crist tellen men

] Designavit Dominus Jesus . — LUC . x. [1. ] ÞIS gospel telliþ how Crist sente les se disciplis to preche to þe peple, and ordeyne for þe apostlis; and þes wordis helpen moche for prechinge of simple preestis,

fourteenth century : " Brendanus monachus et abbas Hibernus, scrip|sit . . . . . Cartam coelestis hereditatis , li. 1. ' Quisquis sapiens heredi|tatem vendi. ' [authority ] Ex domo Michaelis Hobley . " Index Brit. Script. ed. R.

lucre of vileynye turpe lucrum Hateful / to Crist and to his compaignye And thurgh the strete / men m[ygh 1 ] te ryde & wende ffor it was free / and o[ ......... [ MS torn ] ] ¶

50 Vita sancti Gregorij . SEint Gregori þe confessour : in Ciscile was i-bore. In holienesse he ladde is lijf : þat is soule nere for-lore. gret clerk he was and guod prechour. : in Cycile he liet a-rere

mette, on a tiwes-niȝth Bifore the fest of alle halewen All Hallows , or All Saints ' Day , Nov. 1 .— Nicolas . , of þat ilk kniȝth; His name is nempned here-bifore; Blissed be þe tyme þat he

of anticrist ‖ Þise þre parties ben waried of þe apostle seint Iude .̉ seiyng in þis forme. ca. o 1 o . ' Ve qui in via Caym abierunt. & in errore Balaam mercede effuci sunt.̉ & in contradiccione

lawe therto hem bonde bi comaundement, and ȝit thei weren were, MS. (first hand), and so below, p. 318. l. 1. lay persoones; thanne, sithen oon and the same was and is the lawe of God to hem and alle

cristen men þat place refused, V. 125 ist ganz zerstört. None of þam efter þeder vsed; 125 ff.) Von der 1. Col. der Rückseite sind nur die Versenden der ersten Hälfte lesbar. And so it wurthed at þe last: Þe

the reference. Pecock may probably have misunderstood 1 Cor . xi. 15: that veils were in that age some|times worn by women needs no proof, and is affirmed by St. Paul himself, 1 Cor . xi. 10. See Smith '

reports that it was shown to the pope in Rome when there was no pope in Rome (p. 210, l. 1), and that it was afterwards written (p. 210, l. 31), as the French has it, in Liége. This is

quasi scelus ydolatrie nolle adquiescere. Pro eo ergo quod abiecisti sermonem domini.̉ abiecit te dominus ne sis rex ' Vulg. 1 Reg . xv. 22, 23. / Samuel seide to kyng Saule . No wheþir wol þe Lord brende offryngis

blechesdon. About 1250 . Sale to Godstow , by Henry Stywor, of no. 300; and of 1 acre 1 rood in Bletching|don; and of 1 acre and a gore in Hampton Gay ; and of a ditch, and a rood

comedat ex eo. sed homo extraneus vorabit illud/ sed hoc vanitas & magna miseria ' ‖ Vulg. Eccles . vi. 1, 2 ' Est et aliud malum quod vidi sub sole . . . vir cui dedit deus divitias et

wyse And eueryche hath of god a propere ȝifte Summe þis some þat as hym lestyth schyfte Virginite 1 is gret perfeccyoun 1 [ 1_1 later ] And contynens ek with reson But crist þat of perfeccioun is welle Bad

and wirscheped ane, as haly writte witnessez, sayand Tres vidit et vnum adorauit , The reference is to Gen. xviii. 1, 2; but see [commentary ] . þat es to say, " He sawe three, and he wirschepid ane. "

glose. Þerfor who þat vsiþ swilk werks Glose. is disciple of anticrist, and anticrist. For Jon seiþ in his epistle, 1 Jo . ii o . Sonnis is it þo last hour, and as ȝe han herd for anticrist comiþ,

& ȝit crist louede persones of hem, as weren poul and nychodeme. lorde, siþ þise newe ordris ben John iii. [1. ] pharisees fro cristen men, whi shulden not men by ensaumple of crist speke sharpliche aȝen here synne? but

done alle þingis. As Poul seiþ The passage referred to is not in any of the Pauline epistles, but in 1 Pet. i. 17. , bi þat þat we knowun not þe quantite of þes þre tymes, shulden we ever

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