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    • blue habit
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Your search found 217 results in 2 resources




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British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts icon

British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

216 results from this resource . Displaying 121 to 5

45 pen drawings and fragments of 2 more, with a wash of green, and often red, or sometimes yellow and/or blue, often of knights on horseback in combat. Small simple initials in red or green. Chanson d'Aspremont, imperfect William Petty

and gold (ff. 3, 41, 71, 95). Large initials in gold on red and/or blue grounds. Small initials in gold with blue pen-flourishing or in blue with red pen-flourishing. Cadels. Capital letters highlighted in yellow. Le livre des faits d'armes

and gold (ff. 3, 41, 71, 95). Large initials in gold on red and/or blue grounds. Small initials in gold with blue pen-flourishing or in blue with red pen-flourishing. Cadels. Capital letters highlighted in yellow. Le livre des faits d'armes

and gold (ff. 3, 41, 71, 95). Large initials in gold on red and/or blue grounds. Small initials in gold with blue pen-flourishing or in blue with red pen-flourishing. Cadels. Capital letters highlighted in yellow. Le livre des faits d'armes

and gold (ff. 3, 41, 71, 95). Large initials in gold on red and/or blue grounds. Small initials in gold with blue pen-flourishing or in blue with red pen-flourishing. Cadels. Capital letters highlighted in yellow. Le livre des faits d'armes

Manuscripts of the West Midlands icon

Manuscripts of the West Midlands

1 result from this resource . Displaying 121 to 1

'Anno domini MCCCCxx' (1420). Twenty full bar borders in blue and violet, some with floral clusters (for a detailed description see Hanna 2002, p. 128-129). Three to five-line champ initials. Two-line blue initials with red penwork flourishing. Rubrics and marginalia

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