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  • Keyword:
    • john
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Your search found 12 results in 1 resource


  • Literary Manuscripts (12)
  • Non-literary Manuscripts (0)
  • Official Documents (government, civic, legal, religious) (0)
  • Literary Printed Books (0)
  • Non-literary Printed Books (0)
  • Maps and Works of Art (0)



  • 1265 – 1266 (0)
  • 1266 – 1267 (0)
  • 1267 – 1268 (0)
  • 1268 – 1270 (12)

Access Type

British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts icon

British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

12 results from this resource . Displaying 61 to 12

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"Results" Manuscripts Online (, version 1.0, 18 July 2024),