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British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts icon

British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts

2021 results from this resource . Displaying 161 to 5

University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St

University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St

University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St

University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St

University of Paris (f. 4). John Batayle, a canon of St Bartholomew's at Smithfield, mentioned among other canons in a clerical subsidy roll of 1379 and named in a will of 1382, made by John Chyshull, another canon of St

British Literary Manuscripts Online icon

British Literary Manuscripts Online

3 results from this resource . Displaying 161 to 3

XIV Century Author(s) [John de Meun] Collection(s) Part One: Medieval Manuscripts from the Sloane and Additional Manuscripts, Section A Manuscript Number 2470 Source Library British Library, London Description A poem intitled " the Will" - written by John de Meun,

De Simplicitate Christianae Vitae, preceded by the Epistola, as in the Cologne edition, 1550, and followed by a sermon on John, iv, 1, preached on 9 June, 1495 (f.101). Volume from the library at Slains Castle. Notes on the manuscript

of the first three homilies is given (P.L., xciv, 34-36, 38-41, 22-23, 120-125). On ff. 89-90v is a homily on John, i. 1-2, apparently not by Bede, beg. 'Oportet nos, fratres karissimi', and ending 'Illud verbum, quod erat in principio

Manuscripts of the West Midlands icon

Manuscripts of the West Midlands

9 results from this resource . Displaying 161 to 5

inscription tells us that after the book was bought for St. Mary's Priory, Coventry it was added to by Brother John of Grenborough. Various medical texts were then added over the fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries. Two separate books of

London, British Library, MS Additional 37787, f. 71r. Latin ff. 95r-97r Prayer with note of 6,000 years' indulgence from Pope John. Latin Codex Parchment 165 120 mm 1 8 , ff. 71r-78v; 2 8 , ff. 79r-86v; 3 8 ,

181, and single leaves after ff. 67, 83, 96, 135, 142, 164, 192. Unknown Fifteenth/sixteenth century: John Barns - f. 21, 61v, 106v - John (Ihon, Yon, Yan) Barns. Nineteenth century: Robert Higgins - f. 1r 'From the library of

disciple'. Translation into French of the Elucidarius of Honorius Augustodunensis. French Meyer 1956, pp. 117-118. ff. 46v-51v Letter from Prester John to the emperor Frederic (Barbarossa) 'Prestre iohans par la grace de ihesu crist rois'. French ff. 52r-64r Robert Grosseteste

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1, p. 2. Hanna, R. 2002. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Western Medieval Manuscripts of St. John ’ s College, Oxford , Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 7-8. McIntosh, A., Samuels, M. L. and Benskin, M.

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