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The Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse icon

The Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse

244 results from this resource . Displaying 221 to 240

ne in his catel ne in his soule be entiseinge of wykked ensample. [521 ] þou schalt nouht desire his wyf ne none of his þinges; vnderstande eke; þat in þe name of þi neyhbour is com|prehended his enmye [522

a preest Annueleer That ther-Inne / had dwelled many a yeer Which was so plesaunt and so seruysable Vn-to the wyf / where as he was at table That she wolde suffre hym no thyng for to paye ffor bord

phisik is a cardial Therfore h e louede gold in special A good wif was there of beside bathe A wyf of bathe But sche was sumdel def & þat was skathe Of cloth makyng sche hade swich an hand

these sygnys verrayly And art rebel to god & art his foo Thow drank ek of hise wellys boldely Thyn wyf ek & thynne wenchis synfully Dronke of the same vessel sundery wynys And heryist false goddis cursedely Therfore to

Of cloth makyng sche hadde such an haunt Sche passed hem of ypris and of Gaunt In al þe parisshe wyf ne was ther noon That to þe offryng byforn hire schulde goon And if þer dide certeyn so wroth

to the palays wyth the duk Aymon. I leve here to speke of the duk Aymon and of the duchesse hys wyf, & retorne to speke of Reynawde & of hys brethern. les hardiz cheualliers, F. orig. g. v. back.

Seint Nicholas ihurde here bone : —for god he is & mylde : hit biful þer-after sone : þat his wyf was mid chylde, & brouȝte forþ afair sone. : glad þis gode man was! he let ȝarki a fair

forsake þese ȝif he forsake þese alle D. þre, Hys dougtyr shulde hys ownë be. ' lete þi douȝtter his wyf be D. She was so mochë yn hys þoght; þouȝt O, meche in his foul þought D. Had he

Helpe vs lord siþ it is in þy might ¶ I wrecche which þat weepe and weile þus Was whilom wyf of king Cappaneus That starf at Thebes cursed be þat day And alle we þat ben in þis array

Before bliffe ḅịḷḷ MS. Of þine hosebonde Whare he be in londe Ich am hy bore to lowe Such a wyf to owe Ich am bore þralle And fundlinge am bi falle Ich am nawt of kende Þe to spouse

‖ [375 ] eek/ whan he vseth his wyf / with oute souereyn desir of engendrure / to honour of god / or for the entente / to yelde to his wyf the dette of his body ‖ [376 ]

so slak That I ne hadde broke his necke tho I his rigge brak Goth gretith wel myn husbondes and wyf I wil be atte þe next shire and god sende me lyf Gamelyn cam redy to þe next shire

enemys and quitte hem here meede And sire Ote his broþer made him his heir And siþþen wedded Gamelyn a wyf a good and a fair They lyueden togidere whil þat crist wolde And siþþen was gamelyn grauen vnder molde

astate After þat daie we had neuere debate God helpe me so .I. was to him als kinde As any wyf fro danmark in-to hinde And also trewe and so was he to me .I. praie to god þat siteþ

so sche were of smal degre Sufficeþ him hire ȝouþe and hire beaute Whiche maide he seide schold be his wyf To lede in ese and in holynesse his lif And þonked god þat he myht haue hire al That

castell / and was called Mountalban / And how the kynge Yyon had gyven to Reynawde his suster to his wyf. Whan Charlemagne vnderstode thyse wordes, he was ryght angry for it and wrothe, And wyste not what he sholde

851, on leaf 192. ] [ 2157 ] A ȝonge man whilom called Mellibe. Mihte. & riche be-gate vpon his wyf. þat called was. Prudence . a douhter which was cleped Sapience .// [ 2158 ] vpon a daie fel

is your man / and so moche ye have loved hym that ye have gyven hym your suster to his wyf / And whan he cam in thise marches / he came not like a knave / but he cam

and greef; He goth hoom to his wyf, and þis mescheef fful heuely to hire he gan compleyne, And þus of hire he gan to aske and freyne: (536) ¶ " Whi, wyf, " quod he, " han ye noght

READINGS IN WYNKYN DE WORDE ( ED . 1499 ), Continued from Chapter III. Only for the sake of completeness I here add the readings of W. de Worde, though they are of no critical value. But considering the

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