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Cause Papers in the Diocesan Courts of the Archbishopric of York, 1300-1858 icon

Cause Papers in the Diocesan Courts of the Archbishopric of York, 1300-1858

50 results from this resource . Displaying 1 to 20

Employment: provost of the collegiate church of St John, Beverley. Location: Beverley, St John (YorkshireEastRiding) Place(s): Collegiate Church of St John the Evangalist, Beverley (ecclesia beati Johannis Beverl') : undefined Participant: John Waltham [de Waltham] Role: defendant Details: male Employment:

Location: York (Ebor') : undefined Participant: John Husthwaite [de Hothwayt] Role: defendant Details: male Employment: tailor Location: York (Ebor') : undefined Participant: William Forster [Fuster; Forster] Role: witness Details: male; 24; clerk Participant: John Carlton [de Carleton; Carelton; de Carlton]

Participant: John Stanton [de Stanton] Role: undefined Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: William Harpham [de Harpham] Role: witness Details: male Employment: vicar of the collegiate church of Beverley Location: Beverley, St John (YorkshireEastRiding) Place(s): Collegiate Church of St John

York (Ebor') : diocese Participant: John Ward [Warde; Ward] Role: defendant Details: male; clerk Employment: priest Location: York (Ebor') : diocese Participant: N Easingwold [de Esingwald] Role: prosecution proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: John Tathwell [de Tathewell] Role:

Notes: Executor of testament of John Crakenthorp, formerly rector of York, St Wilfrid. Participant: Nicholas Easingwold [de Esyngwold] Role: defendant Details: male Notes: Executor of testament of John Crakenthorp, formerly rector of St Wilfrid's. Participant: John Gunman [Gunman] Role: defendant

as placenames in this file? Participant: John Skendleby [de Skendylby; Skendelby] Role: witness Details: male Employment: priest Participant: Agnes daughter of John Goodfellow [Gudfelow] Role: witness Details: female; 24 Participant: Joan daughter of John Goodfellow [Gudfelow] Role: witness Details: female;

male; burgess Participant: John Baron [Baroune; Baron] Role: defendant Details: male; burgess Participant: John Tees [de Tese; de Teese; de Tees] Role: defendant Details: male; burgess Participant: William Allman [Alman] Role: prosecution proctor Details: male Participant: John Hagthorpe [de Hagthorpe]

Petergate (Petergat') : street name Participant: Marion wife of John Locksmith [Loksmyth] Role: witness Details: female; 40 Employment: locksmith Location: York : city Place(s): Bootham Bar (Bouthombarre) : street name Participant: John Locksmith [Loksmyth] Role: witness Details: male; 40 Location:

15/11/1390 — 1390 People & Places Participant: John Tomlinson [Thomelynson] Role: plaintiff Details: male Participant: John Shutt [Shutte; Schut] Role: plaintiff Details: male Participant: William Milner [Milner] Role: plaintiff Details: male Participant: John Collingham [Colyngham] Role: defendant Details: male; clerk

Employment: proctor Participant: John Stanton [de Stanton] Role: defence proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Location: Richmond (Richm', Richem') : archdeaconry Location: York (Ebor') : diocese Location: Beverley, St John (YorkshireEastRiding) Place(s): Collegiate Church of St John the Evangelist, Beverley

Repository:Borthwick Institute GB 193 Court:Curia Ebor Case:undefined (undefined) Details:1 Pieces; No deposition; No libel; No sentence Outcome: Date: 04/04/1386 — 26/05/1386 People & Places Participant: John Pottow [Pottowe] Role: plaintiff Details: male Participant: Richard Lund [Lunde] Role: defendant Details: male

Date: 13/04/1390 — 1390 People & Places Participant: Emmota Role: plaintiff Details: female Location: Burstwick (YorkshireEastRiding) Place(s): Ryehill (Ryal') : undefined Participant: Thomas son of John Williamson [Williamson] Role: defendant Details: male Location: Burstwick (YorkshireEastRiding) Place(s): Ryehill (Ryal') : undefined

Details: male Participant: John Young [Yong] Role: witness Details: male Participant: Roger Betson [Bettson; Beteson] Role: witness Details: male Participant: John Here [Her; Here] Role: witness Details: male Participant: John Lilling [Lillyng] Role: witness Details: male Participant: John Carswell [Crawell]

(Wakfeld) : undefined Participant: John Stanton [de Stanton] Role: prosecution proctor Details: male Participant: NicholasEasingwold [de Esyngwald] Role: defence proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: John Castleford [de Castelford] Role: witness Details: male; 30 Participant: John Swerd [Swerd] Role:

RandulfSteel [Steel; Stele; Steele] Role: defendant Details: male; clerk Location: York (Ebor') : diocese Participant: John Stanton [de Stanton] Role: defence proctor Details: male Participant: John Allerthorpe [de Allerthorp] Role: witness Details: male Employment: vicar of the church of Greatham

Details: male Employment: cordwainer Location: York (Ebor') : undefined Participant: John Stanton [de Stanton] Role: prosecution proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Notes: Proctor of Alice de Lutryngton Participant: John Willingham [Willyngham] Role: undefined Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Notes:

in Lindrick (ecclesia de Carelton) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: John Carlton [Carelton] Role: witness Details: male; 60 Location: Carlton In Lindrick (Nottinghamshire) Place(s): Carlton in Lindrick (Carelton) : ecclesiastical parish Participant: John Carter [Carter] Role: witness Details: male; 35 Location:

[del Abbay] Role: defence proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: John Ward [Warde; Ward] Role: witness Details: male; 24 Location: Burstwick (YorkshireEastRiding) Place(s): Ryehill (Ryall) : undefined Participant: John Moy [Moy] Role: witness Details: male; 30 Location: Burstwick (YorkshireEastRiding)

[Wyllyngham] Role: undefined Details: male Participant: John Breton [Breton] Role: witness Details: male; 27 Location: York : city Place(s): Micklegate (Mykylgate Ebor') : undefined Participant: John Bailey [Baille] Role: witness Details: male Participant: John Kele [Kele] Role: witness Details: male;

York (Ebor') : undefined Participant: John Chilwell [de Chilwell; de Chiwell] Role: defendant Details: male Location: Nottingham (Notyngham) : undefined Participant: Nicholas Easingwold [de Esyngwald] Role: prosecution proctor Details: male; clerk Employment: proctor Participant: John Willingham [de Wylyngham] Role: defence

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